The market is closed.
Contracts: FULL: 42493 S&P 500: 9145 MAG7:60
Stocks: 8791
Industries: 127
Sectors: 11
Countries: 38
Exchanges: 3

Daily Plays Newsletter

A Monday through Friday newsletter sent each evening after the market closes, summarizing top wheel plays found after each new dataset is compiled by The Wheel Screener. Unsubscribe at any time.

The newsletter currently includes the following reports:

  • the top 10 contracts found by score
  • the top 10 contracts found by open interest
  • the top 10 contracts found by volume
  • the top 10 contracts found by P/L
  • the top 10 highest scoring contracts by upcoming earnings companies
  • the top 10 highest scoring contracts by volatility rank
  • the top 10 highest scoring contracts by volatility percentile

Daily Plays Newsletter